College of Agriculture, Engineering
and Science (CAES)

Bizley Nature Reserve Open Day and Trail Launch

The official launch of our walking, birding and mountain biking trails will take place on the first weekend of September at the Bisley Nature Reserve. We encourage first-timers to the reserve to join us!

The morning will include adventure, fun and wildlife viewing along the single track and jeep track riding and walking trials. Giraffe, wildebeest, zebra and numerous other animals as well as nearly 300 species of birds call the reserve home and can be spotted in the ever-changing terrain of open grasslands, hilltop vistas and thornveld, traversed by the exciting paths that have been laid out, and all right on PMB’s doorstep.

Guided walks will be conducted at the following times:

  • Saturday 3rd September
    • 07h00: Birding
    • 07h30: Walking
  • Sunday 4th September
    • 07h00: Birding
    • 07h30: Walking
    • 08h00: Mountain Biking

For Enquiries:  Please contact Dr Adrian Nel on

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03 - 04 09 22


07:00 - 12:00

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